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Helios: Universal Cross-Platform Compatibility

If you've already invested in a ZPS system, Helios vises, towers, pallets, and dovetail fixtures are designed to integrate seamlessly with your current platform. 

The standard mounting interface is compatible with 96mm pull studs straight out of the box. They're bored for 16mm pilots with M10 threads, which fit high quality zero-point systems from companies such as Lang, 5th-Axis, Jergens, etc. Please note that Orange Vise Company is not affiliated with any of these companies.

We also offer customization of our workholding solutions with short lead times to ensure compatibility with other high-quality zero-point systems available on the market, including those from companies such as Schunk, Erowa, Saunders Machine Works, Pierson, and others. Please note that Orange Vise Company is not affiliated with any of these companies.

More information coming soon...